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You heard of the famous story where Jack “Treetop” Straus found himself down to a single chip only to go on and win the World Series of Poker Main Event, coining the phrase “a chip and a chair”?

We almost had a similar result on POWERFEST Day 8 with Team Online’s Travis “DramatcDegen” Darroch who was down to 1.5 big blinds at the final table of the POWERFEST #41-H: $250K Gtd Fast PKO only to finish second for more than $34,000.

Several other members of Team partypoker had great days on August 4th, including Josip Simunic and Joao Simao, the latter taking down the Powerfest #40-HR: $100K Gtd Deep Turbo for more than $22,000.

A staggering $5,241,835 was paid out on POWERFEST Day 8, a sum that would not have been possible without your incredible support, so thank you! Let’s check out the biggest results of Day 8.

POWERFEST: The Story So Far

  • Events completed: 147
  • Events remaining: 128
  • Prize money awarded: $15,634,255


POWERFEST #41-H: $250K Gtd Fast PKO

Entries: 257
Buy-in: $1,050
Prize pool: $262,140
Places paid: 40

Travis “DramaticDegen” Darroch was one of the 257 entries in the POWERFEST #41-H: $250K Gtd Fast PKO having won his $1,050 seat in a $109 satellite. The writing looked to be on the wall as Darroch was down to only 1.5 big blinds at one stage, but fought back to finish in second-place for a $20,184 prize boosted by $14,803 from the bounty prize pool.

The champion was “PayAndPlay” who locked up yet another POWERFEST title, this one weighing in at $20,210 plus $24,131.

Those players finishing in third-place through fifth all walked away with a five-figure prize once bounties were taken into consideration.

“Zootopia” won $14,166 plus $5,037 with “Sagittarius” walking away with $10,309 plus $260. “FullFlush1” netted $7,293 plus an additional $3,152 from the bounty prize pool.

Place Player Prize Bounty
1 PayAndPlay $20,210 $24,131
2 DramaticDegen $20,184 $14,803
3 zootopia $14,166 $5,037
4 Sagittarius $10,309 $260
5 FullFlush1 $7,293 $3,152
6 McDonalds $5,470 $260
7 MrDreamMachine $3,857 $7,328
8 CharlesBarkley $2,805 $2,746

POWERFEST Phased 01-HR: $750K Gtd Final

Entries: 348
Buy-in: $2,100
Prize pool: $756,800
Places paid: 48

If you ever needed evidence that our Phased tournaments are superb value, you only have to look at the final table payouts of the POWERFEST Phased 01-HR: $750K Gtd Final event.

Players have been playing Phase 1 tournaments into this $2,100 buy-in event all week and a field of 348 fought for a slice of the $756,800 prize pool. The top 48 finishers received prize money, but nobody banked more than “eMpTyTease” who got their hands on a massive $146,819.

The champion defeated “Noname69” heads-up for the title, but it is difficult to feel sorry for the runner-up as they raked in $105,952.

Others at the final table were “Bulyba23” (8th – $14,076), “tjena” (7th – $19,298), “CanarimBaleiro” (6th – $27,774), “Plush0” (5th – $37,461), “Vanessa23” (4th – $52,597) and “Kronktheman” (3rd – $73,409).

Place Player Prize
1 eMpTyTease $146,819
2 Noname69 $105,952
3 Kronktheman $73,409
4 Vanessa23 $52,597
5 Plush0 $37,461
6 CanarimBaleiro $27,774
7 tjena $19,298
8 Bulyba23 $14,076

POWERFEST Phased 02-HR: $500K Gtd Final

Entries: 1,089
Buy-in: $530
Prize pool: $593,350
Places paid: 152

Another POWERFEST event awarding a six-figure top prize was the POWERFEST Phased 02-HR: $500K Gtd Final that saw 1,089 players compete for a slice of the $593,350 prize pool.

“Johnny Bananas” was the champion and collected $101,166 as a result, a fantastic prize. The runner-up was “gmb2h” who had to console themselves with the $72,388 second-place prize.

All but one of those who reached the eight-handed final table netted five-figures, including “Jizoint” who banked $15,901 for their sixth-place exit and “ClintonBaptiste” who secured a cool $47,527 after running out of steam in third-place.

Place Player Prize
1 Johnny Bananas $101,166
2 gmb2h $72,388
3 ClintonBaptiste $47,527
4 Raise1In. $31,803
5 w0w0w0w $22,547
6 Jizoint $15,901
7 Baccarat $11,154
8 Gytis $7,476

POWERFEST Day 8 Full Results

Event Champion Prize
Powerfest #36-HR: $250K Gtd Grind ViggoBrun $47,750
Powerfest #36-H: $150K Gtd Grind Leper Gnome $25,395
Powerfest #36-M: $50K Gtd Grind Cliff1958Devon $8,651
Powerfest #36-L: $15K Gtd Grind Jingos $2,121
Powerfest #37-HR: $300K Gtd Deep N0GUTSNOGloryAA $69,646
Powerfest #37-H: $200K Gtd Deep xMTT_KINGx $38,754
Powerfest #37-M: $100K Gtd Deep Sam Solverel $22,127
Powerfest #37-L: $40K Gtd Deep H4rk0nnen $6,187
Powerfest #38-HR: $500K Gtd ChimneyBarrel $122,500
Powerfest Phased 01-HR: $750K Gtd Final eMpTyTease $146,819
Powerfest #02-HR: $500K Gtd Final Johnny Bananas $101,166
Powerfest #03-H: $150K Gtd Final Carbob $28,867
Powerfest #39-H: $400K Gtd PKO CocainKiller $85,942*
Powerfest #39-H: $300K Gtd PKO klawizna $49,901*
Powerfest #39-M: $150K Gtd PKO Blaze $19,184*
Powerfest #39-L: $40K Gtd PKO Joka0149 $4,256*
Powerfest #40-HR: $100K Gtd Deep Turbo XjoaosimaoX $22,130
Powerfest #40-H: $50K Gtd Deep Turbo Girafgangeris $9,537
Powerfest #40-M: $30K Gtd Deep Turbo Sega Grin $6,703
Powerfest #40-L: $15K Gtd Deep Turbo SkilledGUY $3,046
Powerfest #41-HR: $250K Gtd Fast PKO PayAndPlay $44,341*
Powerfest #41-H: $100K Gtd Fast PKO Automaten Andi $18,814*
Powerfest #41-M: $30K Gtd Fast PKO ASA AKIRA $4,903*
Powerfest #41-L: $10K Gtd Fast PKO pipa.pavelll $1,354*
Powerfest #42-HR: $100K Gtd 6-Max Hyper PKO PkrPlayer1 $25,868*
Powerfest #42-H: $50K Gtd 6-Max Hyper PKO kziunz $9,038*
Powerfest #42-M: $20K Gtd 6-Max Hyper PKO Mr.Niteroi $4,680*
Powerfest #42-L: $50K Gtd 6-Max Hyper PKO Mcbuster $737*

*includes bounty payments

You can check out every single result from POWERFEST so far by following this link.

POWERFEST Day 9 Schedule

Day 9 of POWERFEST sees another 16events take place that have combined guarantees worth $785,500.

Don’t forget to check out the POWERFEST satellites that start from only $0.55 and the $5 POWERFEST SPINS that award either $10 cash or POWERFEST tickets worth from $22 up to $1,050.

Time (CEST) Event Buy-in
17:30 Powerfest #43-HR: $100K Gtd Deep $530
17:30 Powerfest #43-H: $50K Gtd Deep $109
17:30 Powerfest #43-M: $30K Gtd Deep $22
17:30 Powerfest #43-L: $10K Gtd Deep $5.50
20:00 Powerfest #44-HR: $150K Gtd PKO $1,050
20:00 Powerfest #44-H: $150K Gtd PKO $320
20:00 Powerfest #44-M: $75K Gtd PKO $55
20:00 Powerfest #44-L: $20K Gtd PKO $11
20:30 Powerfest #45-HR: $30K Gtd PLO 6-Max Deep Turbo $530
20:30 Powerfest #45-H: $10K Gtd PLO 6-Max Deep Turbo $109
20:30 Powerfest #45-M: $7.5K Gtd PLO 6-Max Deep Turbo $33
20:30 Powerfest #45-L: $3K Gtd PLO 6-Max Deep Turbo $11
22:00 Powerfest #46-HR: $75K Gtd Mix-Max Fast PKO $530
22:00 Powerfest #46-H: $50K Gtd Mix-Max Fast PKO $109
22:00 Powerfest #46-M: $20K Gtd Mix-Max Fast PKO $22
22:00 Powerfest #46-L: $5K Gtd Mix-Max Fast PKO $5.50


SPINS are exciting three-handed hyper-turbo sit & go tournaments where the prize pool is randomly selected before the first hand is dealt. The POWERFEST SPINS only cost $5 to enter and pay out $10 cash or POWERFEST tickets ranging from $22 up to $1,050.

As SPINS have a hyper-turbo blind structure, they are over in a matter of minutes. This makes them perfect for playing many in a short period of time or firing up during the scheduled breaks of POWERFEST events.

Multiplier 1st Place Prize Frequency in 1M games
2 $10 cash 754,285
4.4 $22 POWERFEST ticket 187,015
6.6 $33 POWERFEST ticket 54,540
11 $55 POWERFEST ticket 3,000
21.8 $109 POWERFEST ticket 1,000
64 $320 POWERFEST ticket 100
106 $530 POWERFEST ticket 50
210 $1,050 POWERFEST ticket 10

Check Out These POWERFEST X Recaps

Don’t worry if you missed out on any of our previous recaps of the POWERFEST X action because you can easily check them out by clicking on the relevant links below!

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