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To some, The Gladiator is an award winning film directed by Ridley Scott and starring Russell Crowe, but to partypoker players The Gladiator is so much more; it is a month-long promotion that rewards them for grinding cash games and fastforward cash games.

Opt into The Gladiator from your laptop or desktop computer on October 3 and prepare for a month of grinding cash games. Although you have to opt-in via a computer, once you have done all your play via the mobile app counts towards the promotion.

For those of you who are not aware of what The Gladiator is, let is give you a quick overview.

  • Opt-in to The Gladiator promotion via your desktop or laptop computer
  • Play real money cash games and fastforward cash games between October 3 and November 1, 2016 to earn points
  • Hit the targets set in the table below and receive prizes ranging from an entry to a $250 freeroll and $5,250 in cash

The minimum requirement to win a prize is earning a single point on five days during the promotional period. Manage this and an entry to a $250 freeroll is all yours. Earn a single point on 15 separate days while The Gladiator is running and we’ll give you an entry to a $750 freeroll.

The Gladiator prizes

As you can see from the image above, the more points you earn on multiple days, the better and more valuable your prize is, with anyone grinding 1,200 points for 30-days walking away with a bankroll-boosting $5,250 in cold, hard cash.

If you win a freeroll entry, you need to keep the following dates and times free in your diary:

  • $250 freeroll – 12:00 ET on November 5, 2016
  • $500 freeroll – 13:00 ET on November 5, 2016
  • $750 freeroll – 14:00 ET on November 5, 2016
  • $1,000 freeroll – 15:00 ET on November 5, 2016
  • $1,500 freeroll – 12:00 ET on November 6, 2016
  • $2,500 freeroll – 13:00 ET on November 6, 2016
  • $3,500 freeroll – 14:00 ET on November 6, 2016

Before you begin The Gladiator grind, you need to be aware of a couple of things. First, be aware of your time zone in order to maximise your chances of a big prize. For you fine people using CET, your day starts at 06:00 a.m. CET and ends at 05:59 a.m. CET.

Those of you on ET, your day begins at 12:00 a.m. ET and finishes at 11:59 a.m. ET.

Furthermore, it is only possible to claim one prize from the table shown in the image above. For example, if you earn 50 points on 25-days you will win $105 in cash, but you do not receive all of the other prizes available for earning 50 points.

Please note that all points earned during The Gladiator promotion will be redeemed.

For full terms and conditions head to The Gladiator landing page.

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