We’re back getting you all ready for the most spectacular poker event the world will ever witness. That’s right the PartyPoker Premier League V. Where the V is for Vienna and it’s coming direct from the glamorous Montesino Casino where you’ll be getting all the news, coverage and live updates from our dedicated team on the ground.
We’ve already explained the qualification routes, location and schedule earlier but we’ve been getting a whole bunch of great questions including knowing the group lines ups and so with out any further delay let’s get down to important business:
I love it when a plan comes together!
Group A or the A Team that I’ll be referring to them from now on has some rogue elements that would have made George Peppard really rather proud. From what we can see there’s a few who like to speak their mind quite openly and passionately at the old poker tables. Discretion is the better part of valour you understand and so we won’t be naming names instead we’ll allow you to make up your mind below:
Group A
1. Tony G
2. Andy Frankenberger
3. Erik Seidel
4. Luke Schwartz
5. Phil Laak
6. Eugene Katchalov
7. Tom Dwan
8. Qualifier 1
And the crowd goes wild!
Group B or Plan B if they were to form some kind of super group power ballad band after their poker playing days were ever to be over, and rightly so you may well ask me ‘so Dany who’d front that band?’ well the easy money would of course be on Patrik just ask Jesse May, he’d probably go onto a well-deserved solo carrier after that to rival the likes of both Justin Timberlake and Bieber combined, and by the way did we tell you Tony once met the Bieber? But anyway enough of this writer’s super talent poptastic scouting powers here’s the line-up of Group B:
Group B
1. Sam Trickett
2. Daniel Cates
3. Patrik Antonius
4. Vanessa Selbst
5. Yevgeniy Timoshenko
6. Bertrand ‘ElkY’ Grospellier
7. Scott Seiver
8. Qualifier 2
Now all the really remains is to discover who’ll be filling the two qualifier seats in Vienna at what will be the poker event of the millennium. Stay tuned you won’t want to miss a minute!