PartyPoker welcomes the players to Los Angeles. Friday night saw the players arrive at The Commerce Casino for the PartyPoker welcome party. Many people had arrived that day from all over Europe, Canada, even India and for many this was their first trip to Los Angeles and they were ready to have a good time.

The Commerce Casino
Although there was plenty of poker being talked about at the party as the players got to know each other, there was one question that everyone was asking about one particular guest. Our friend ‘Paris Hilton’ was working the room in cool sophisticated way that only an A list celebrity can pull off. Paris was chic and glamorous and was happy to pose with everyone for pictures in our Hollywood style photo studio.
See all the pictures from the PartyPoker party on our Facebook page.

Paris and Naomi text each other.
We also welcomed PartyPoker Ambassador, Mike Sexton who said a few words to the players. Mike offered some good advice to all the players on how to tackle the WPT Celebrity Invitational event on Saturday. The event will have a good mix of experienced and inexperienced players along with our 30 PartyPoker players – all aiming to walk away $100,000 richer after winning this event.

Mike and Mike say a few words.
As the evening wore on and our two lovely hostesses started dishing out the tequila shots, plans were hatched to move on to a hip LA club in town while others went downstairs to play on the cash tables in the world famous Commerce Casino, the biggest card room in the world. . Many of the guys were obviously keen to make the most of their 4 day stay in Los Angeles and we have a lot of fun lined for them to ensure they all have a great time. The WPT Celebrity Invitational starts on Saturday evening and many of the guys are really looking forward to seeing various well known Hollywood faces and top poker players as well. We shall see who comes down the red carpet on Saturday.

Party Time