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PartyWoodOh yes, I am curled up in the middle – all anxious and tired. May have something to with going from the conclusion of the Premier League in Vegas direct to the WPT Celebrity Invitational at the Commerce Casino in LA. David Benyamine won and wasn’t wrapped up until early hours – then it was straight on to the reception for PartyPoker’s online qualifiers at the Commerce.

That Mike Sexton lookalike is also excellent

Who did I bump into? Well the girl in the sun glasses in the middle of the photo was interesting and familiar. I had actually seen from afar last week in a booth in Vegas but her name is Natalie and she makes a living out of looking like someone. She was floating around the player party getting her picture taken with the players. Don’t you think that the Mike Sexton lookalike is also excellent?

Talking of the person who Natalie looks like, Mike Sexton tells an interesting story of how he played against Paris Hilton at the Celebrity Invitational a few years back. He was trying to let her win but kept putting bad beats on her! A couple of years ago between the Ambassador of Poker and myself we also challenged her to play for Bentley in a heads-up tournament – at one point it looked like it might actually take place but her ‘Simple Life’ series complicated matters.

Matt Savage: No bikes, trikes, Darth Vader outfits, Kermit the Frog’s

Anyway, arrived at the Commerce and bumped straight into legendary tournament director Matt Savage. He told me there would be no bikes, trikes, Darth Vader outfits, Kermit the Frog’s in his poker room! The Premier League was real madness, it is going to make an amazing show. It goes out first on Channel 4  in the UK in September and then will be distributed internationally. I’m a Brit so a lot of the celebrities were a little unfamiliar to me.

Surreally, I saw lots of people getting pictures taken with the big guy who was Borat’s friend in the movie. I was also introduced to Simpsons creator Sam Simon. A number of Party players, including a certain Mr Michael O’Malley, our Director of VIP were on the same table as Ricki Lake and Terri Hatcher. I was wondering the floor and arrived just in time to see him busted. Maybe I am turning into Tony G as I greeted the table with ‘how’s the donkey squad.’ Another person I saw who looked familiar was singer Leanne Rhimes and model Jenny McCarthy.

I always spend a lot of time walking the tables at chatting at tournaments. I saw Mike Sexton and he shouted out: “where’s the trike?” Minutes later he was making his exit. Maybe this bike language is going to become part of the poker dictionary!

A proper Scotsman whose friend wore a kilt yesterday

I am sat here on the stage looking out over the remaining field of the WPT Celebrity Invitational. One Party qualifier remains in the form of David McGrail – a proper Scotsman whose friend wore a kilt yesterday. Jennifer Tilly and Phil Laak are still in but Phil unfortunately isn’t wearing his yellow jersey as the Tour de Force of the Premier League.

I will leave you with a little story and e-mail from leaving Vegas on Friday. I got to the airport and Air Force One was parked on the runway. I wrote the following to a certain Philip Hellmuth jr…

Hellmuth - someone get me the limo

Hey Phil

I see Air Force One parked at Vegas airport. I thought you were staying in town for the NAPT?

A pleasure as ever, see you soon.


I will leave you with another picture from the intimate player party for online qualifiers. Qualify online for the WPT at Live updates from the WPT Celebrity Invitational at are at



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