If you were at a safari park would you ever go up and poke a sleeping lion on the ass and expect to get away with it? No, you would get hurt, potentially eaten in one mouthful and I want someone out there to remember this.
I am back in Lithuania dealing with serious comings and goings in this industry. Things seem to be getting better re the US situation and anything I do find out will be posted on my Twitter immediately.
Anyway, because of my business commitments it meant I couldn’t go to the WPT Barcelona. I did, however, loan my lucky dolls to the PartyPoker.com team for their online qualifier party.
For those who have no clue what I am talking about I had some very special poker player dolls made for me as lucky mascots for the Big Game in Nottingham. They worked as I won over £150k. Anyway the dolls of Hellmuth, Negreanu and me were in Barcelona but got stolen at the rooftop party last night.
There isn’t going to be ransom notes
This is no stupid publicity stunt, there isn’t going to be ransom notes as far as I know but these things were shipped in from Phoenix and I want them back. Quite frankly, I have bigger things to worry about but I can be superstitious at times.
It has just narked me. When I originally bought the Hellmuth doll I thought it would be good to give to him so he could sleep with himself. Give the dolls back so I can do this.
Who has taken them? An online qualifier or a member of staff at PartyPoker.com have to be in the frame. If I find it to be a member of staff at PartyPoker.com I will take this issue up at the highest possible level so return please.
If any other status obsessed individuals are involved in this they’ll get it too. Want to see an ash cloud, wait until I erupt! Baby I’m a firework, come and see my colours burn…
For live updates from WPT Barcelona go here and don’t forget the live stream of the final table on Sunday.