Imad Derwiche Taking A Seat
Imad Derwiche joins the Big Game VII. He’s most likely the first player from Senegal to be seen at a Big Game table.
His biggest success at live tournaments was winning a Highroller Event in Paris in 2011. His opponents probably don’t know much more about him, so with him and Sergio Aido at the table we have two unknown constants in there. Let’s hope they bring a lot of crazy action, as that makes it a lot more fun for us.
Seven-Deuce in Action
It’s always fun to watch a game where the Seven-Deuce Rule is playing. Barcelona is no exception. We’ve seen some funny action around the worst possible hole cards in NL Holdem, culminating in a recent raisewar that saw Scott Baumstein giving up his 72o after Faraz Jaka went all-in.
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The Big Game Season 7 is Live Streamed here: So who do you think is going to win? Let us know in the comments below and remember to follow us on Twitter and like us on Facebook now!