In times gone by when you busted out of a poker tournament that was it, you were gone. The term “calling for his tournament life” was one used by bloggers and reporters the world over because losing that crucial hand would mean the all-in player’s tournament was over.
The World Poker Tour is the first major tour that has made Re-Entry formats standard across the board, something that has been quite a hit with the players. In a WPT or WPT National Main Event, players are permitted to re-enter on Day 1B should the bust out during Day 1A.
Players who re-enter are not penalised in any way, the receive a full starting stack because they are paying the full buy-in again. So, if you busted out on Day 1A and thought your dreams of becoming WPT National London champion were dashed, think again. Head back to Apsers with £1,650 in your pocket and you can re-enter and try again. There’s no shame in it, far from it, just ask Lucille Cailly and Steve Watts who are just two players to be taking a second bite of the cherry here in this tournament.