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Hydra Entertainment High Roller Winner Photo

Bart Lybaert’s victory in the High Roller occurred in the early hours of the morning, which was far too late to do a winner’s photo shoot, but he gladly came back to the casino this afternoon for the official awarding of the trophy, by event sponsor Hydra Entertainment.

H.O.R.S.E Winner

When Richard Burke won the HORSE tournament earlier in the week, he rode actually rode off without his trophy, but he came back for the winner pic the next day.

Find Your Own Pics

The rest of the photos can be found on Flickr, along with all pics from the event. We’ve snapped almost every participant so far, so if you played, you should be able to find a pic of yourself in there somewhere. The photographers for the event are Jean Marc Zerafa and Philip Marin.

What’s the QR codes own the posters all about?

There’s a special offer for players attending the event who have not yet opened an account with Party Poker. If that’s you and you live in a jurisdiction that is served by Party Poker, following these QR codes below will enable you to take advantage of a special turbo charged account opening offer that is more generous than the usual offer available to new players. Wanna find out more, follow the QR codes…

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The full festival schedule of events can be found here

Photos from the event can be found here

Photography by Jean Marc Zerafa and Phillip Marin

Jonathan Raab

Party Poker MILLIONS Malta Media Coordinator


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