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Sit & Go tournaments are perfect for honing your skills for when you navigate your way to a final table at one of our many multi-table tournaments. They are also potentially lucrative when you play SNG with buy-ins of $1 to $19.99 thanks to the SNG Leaderboard paying out a cool $15,750 worth of Party Dollars every week to the format’s best performers.

Our SNG Leaderboards are teeming with added value. We have two leaderboards, based on the SNG’s buy-in, running Monday through Friday, with another two leaderboard, with even larger prizes, taking place across the weekend. Finish at the top of the pile of the richest leaderboard and you can win up to P$200 just for playing your favourite SNG games.

How Do I Earn SNG Leaderboard Points?

Every SNG, with the exception of SPINS, SPINS Ultra, Satellite SNG and Heads-Up SNG, earn you leaderboard points, even if you do not finish in the money places. The formula used rewards you with more points for winning your SNG, so while volume plays a role in where you finish on the leaderboards, quality of quantity is also a viable option. There is a handy calculator here where you can input your data and see how many points you receive once the SNG finishes.

What Can I Win From the SNG Leaderboards?

The Monday to Friday leaderboards are split into Micro and Low buy-in levels. Micro SNG are $1 to $4.99, with Low SNG being $5 to $19.99. Enter SNG with these buy-in levels to earn points for their respectively leaderboard.

The Micro Leaderboards pay the top 75 finishers, with the Low Leaderboards rewarding the top 50 finishers. Each day starts at 00:00 CET and ends at 23:59 CET.

Our SNG Leaderbord heat up on a weekend, with prizes boosted throughout! Both the Micro and Low Leaderboards pay the top 75 points earners from P$2 to P$200 for points you earn across the weekend! The weekend is considered 00:00 CET on Saturday to 23:59 CET on Sunday.

Monday to Friday SNG Leaderboard

Place Micro Prize (P$) Low Prize (P$)
1 $40 $100
2 $35 $90
3 $30 $80
4 $25 $75
5 $20 $70
6 $18 $65
7 $16 $60
8 $14 $50
9 $12 $45
10 $10 $40
11-15 $8 $30
16-20 $6 $25
21-25 $6 $20
26-30 $5 $10
31-40 $4 $10
41-50 $3 $5
51-60 $2
61-75 $1

Weekend SNG Leaderboard

Place Micro Prize (P$) Low Prize (P$)
1 $80 $200
2 $75 $180
3 $60 $160
4 $50 $140
5 $45 $120
6 $40 $110
7 $35 $100
8 $30 $90
9 $25 $80
10 $20 $70
11-15 $14 $50
16-20 $12 $40
21-25 $11 $30
26-30 $10 $25
31-40 $8 $20
41-50 $6 $15
51-60 $4 $10
61-75 $2 $5

What If I Play $20+ SNG?

Only your play at $1-$19.99 buy-in SNG counts towards our leaderboards. So what if you play $20 or higher SNG games? Although you can’t win anything from our SNG Leaderboards, your cashback points are boosted 24-hours per day if you play $20+ games. You’ll earn an extra 1.25 points for every $1 in rake when you enter $20+ buy-in sit & gos. This means you’ll earn 3.75 points for every $1 in rake in $20+ games!

What are Party Dollars (P$)?

Party Dollars (P$) are our flexible currency that can be used to buy into any of our real-money poker games. Previously, we used Tournament Dollars (T$) which you could only spend on entering our tournaments, hence their name. Party Dollars can be used to buy into any tournament, Sit & Go, SPINS, or even cash games! Furthermore, they can be used for part payment in those formats, giving you the ultimate in flexibility.

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