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That’s all folks.
The Big Game VII has come to an end. We saw 12 hours of great poker, crazy action and verbal confrontation.

As expected, it was Tony G who was trying to push the action with lots of table banter. It worked in his favour, as for some time he seemed to finish as the biggest winner of the Big Game.

Tony G

And The Big Winner Is …

It was a few hands before the hand of the day, when Sergio Aido managed to take a huge step towards the top, taking all of Alec Torelli’s money. He ended up taking

The latter has been the unlucky guy at this Big Game. He lost a total of €40,000, still claiming that he had a great time here in Barcelone. We sure hope to see him again when the Big Game is back.

There’s More To Come

We have lots of video interviews that will be published today (or tomorrow), so be sure to check back for more behind the scenes information.
And we’re missing the final numbers.

Here’s what Sergio had to say before leaving the Casino Barcelona.

Final Results

Join The Conversation!

So how did you like the live stream? Any big surprises or huge disappointements? Let us know in the comments below and remember to follow us on Twitter and like us on Facebook now!


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