When you are a blogger and you chuck some presenting into the mix, your life is completely unpredictable. You get random calls in the middle of the night with people saying: ‘ We need coverage for this and this event!’ and before you know it you are packing your bags at 5 AM and heading to the other end of the world.
This time, I got 3 days notice, which gave me tons of time to prepare and pack. In these 4 years of being on tour I learned how to pack – never exceed 15 kilos so if you go shopping, you are covered. If you are going with Ryanair, you are screwed.
Writing this post from the bus station in Barcelona
That’s why I am writing this post from the bus station in Barcelona just after I bought another hand luggage bag because I exceeded – I got a partypoker chips set. Some serious home gaming will be going on during the next few weeks. That is, if I don’t get a call to jump on a plane.
Just recently Kara Scott wrote a great post about the poker bloggers and I agree with her that our colleagues should be cherished. Yes, I do get to wake up overlooking the Barcelona cathedral or the Eiffel tower sometimes, but there is times when people are hungry for info and we spend 20 hours around the tables, picking up on the action, writing hands down, taking pictures, googling the players to get more info so our readers can get everything in time.
It’s a constant race
Why do we do that? Because we love the job, the thrill, the fact that there are real people waiting for us to deliver them information they want right here and right now. Time is not our friend when we are on tour – it’s a constant race because the reader wants to know what is happening now, not in 3 hours. Managing to do that and seeing that our visitors spend time on the site watching what we do, commenting and appreciating is the best part of my day.
It is like a reward for all those hours of not sleeping, sore feet, sitting next to a player for hours waiting on a moment to catch a big hand on camera….the WPT Barcelona was a perfect example of how satisfying our jobs can be – every day we got rewarded by new readers and that gave me energy to push even harder.
But I will never forget that I would not be here if it wasn’t for you, the person that is reading this very post. So, dear Interwebz lurker, thank you for making my day!