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By Simon Young

The World Series of Poker really does seem to come round quicker each year. Perhaps time flies when you get older, but more likely the mind starts playing tricks as the old grey matter inside the head is joined on the outside by grey hairs. But enough of my rapidly approaching insanity – the madness of the Main Event in Las Vegas begins next week.

It’s the biggest, brashest, most lucrative, bonkers poker tournament of the year, when perhaps 7,000 hopefuls will beat each other up over two draining but exhilarating weeks before getting down to a final table. Then, as you will no doubt know by now, there will be a wait until November before the final table itself is played out to a (hopefully) huge, nearly-live television audience.


PartyPoker is proud to be taking nearly 100 of our players to Las Vegas for the showpiece tournament, which is again played out in the huge Amazon Room at the Rio begining Thursday, July 3. With so many of our top guns heading for the U.S, there’s a real chance that some of them will go deep and make a name for themselves – as well as pocketing some serious money. Last year Jerry Yang won more than $8 million – will one of our players take his world championship crown?

As usual, there will be a great “team” spirit among our players, and we’d like to champion as many of them as possible to celebrate their achievement of reaching the WSOP Main Event. That’s why this blog will be joining them in the Nevada desert to share their highs and lows.

We’ll be providing the stories of our qualifiers as the tournament progresses, with pictures. Remember, if you are cheering on a pal or a relative, then simply leave a comment on any of our WSOP posts to make yourself heard!

Many of our players are from the UK, but we also have a great turnout from Germany, Canada, Denmark, as well as Holland, Sweden and Australia.

So for now, here are just some of those PartyPoker players who might, just might, be heading back to Vegas in November for the final table and the chance to take the World Champion crown from Jerry Yang:

McBain_23, Germany
capitannemo, Spain
sharam_nuts, Netherlands
tryitharder, Germany
YoungSupremacy, Canada
Valerij777, Ukraine
exegesisagain, UK
GoGoDawkins, Canada
rocket_ron2, UK
The_Breeze, UK
bchkbh, Denmark
Philgreen111, UK
DirtyDan691, UK
parol, Sweden
one_for_seb, Canada
callandmuck1, Denmark
carpearcha, UK
MrHawbaker, Australia
Storm74111, Denmark
triathlon4, Germany
Margik, Romania
thebirello, Denmark
The0therSide, Canada
SeriouslyWAT, Czech Republic
Schoepfer, Canada
ImURidoL, Denmark
TaranisPrime, Belgium
GyorgyZoltan, Hungary
Olivier_DS, Belgium
tictac95, France
eisenhower1, Sweden
tipexmum, Sweden
DiamondCave, Sweden
Moorman1, UK
pepper015, Netherlands
Onkeltrond, Norway
holdj00, UK
skenna, Ireland
Kochan, Australia
Joker7385, Germany
Mead1978, Hungary
AAgoodfella, Canada
ringle, Canada
malle00, Germany
teek_00, Australia
Agent_Sparrow, UK
RAGEUNIT22, Netherlands
Indianajulie, Denmark
wiuwiu, Germany
Trudoy, Czech Republic
lfh05, Denmark
piznatch, Canada
MrRichy, Germany
macca1974111, Australia
el_loco49, Ireland
TheLimitRush, Denmark
noyfb6586, Austria
amsterdmmr, Netherlands
skalle, Denmark
Pahvi, Finland
El_Diablo_79, Netherlands
Svenator99, Germany
hazey88, UK
lsg89, UK
newfiecan, Canada
skeletonkeys, UK


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