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Manig Loeser is now up among the chip leaders after been given a gift from the former chip leader Lyssandro Rosas.

Rosas opened the betting to 6,600 from early position, which is much larger than the standard min-raise used by the majority of the players here in the WPT National London Main Event. His only customer was Loeser in the small blind.

The flop saw Loeser tap the table and check. Rosas, who must have been listening to his favourite song because he was swaying from side-to-side and mouthing some lyrics, made a continuation bet of 8,600. Loeser, a former professional footballer, raised to 19,000 only to see Rosas snap-raise to 33,600 and a massive pot was starting to form.

Loeser peeked at his cards again and as he did, a waitress appeared with his coffee – not the best moment she could have made the delivery. Rather than have her stand there for the next few minutes Loeser paid the waitress, she went about her duties and Loeser moved all-in. Rosas moved his left earphone to one side and said, almost triumphantly, “I call!”

Loeser flipped over and Rosas face screwed up in disgust. When he showed his own holding, , it was apparent why. The on the turn left Rosas drawing dead and the meaningless fell on the river to complete the hand.

There was a little confusion with the all-in amount, with the dealer first saying 97,900 then 92,900 before he was 100% sure it was 93,900. Loeser is now definitely a force in this tournament

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