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After being so close in event one at the WSOPE – Ian Frazer is in the final 22 left out of 158 runners in the $2,500 PL Hold’em/Omaha.  Play starts at 2pm BST. Good luck Razor!

Seat allocation from PokerNews live reporting:

Seat 1: Dario Alioto – 13300
Seat 2: Jared Bieznick – 26000
Seat 3: Allie Prescott – 88100
Seat 4: Tristan Clémençon – 118400
Seat 5: Ian Frazer – 44700
Seat 6: Mats Gavatin – 66900
Seat 7: Karelas Konstantinos – 22300
Seat 8: Howard Lederer – 21800



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