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The World Cup may be in full swing but’s burgeoning Facebook community was far more interested in showing its support for the Facebook Fan Cup on Monday (14 June).

More than 2,100 players took time out to show their skills and deal out plenty friendly banter in the tourney which had a cool $500 guaranteed prize pool up for grabs.

Figuring out the password before it was posted

In fact, such was the keenness of some participants to book their place that they’d even taken the effort to figure out the password needed to register before we posted it on our Facebook page.

Unfortunately, some had a little more trouble and couldn’t find the password even after it was posted on our Facebook wall. Jonathan Tandy cheekily said: ‘If you can’t find the password or the tournament, I so hope you’re on my table.’

The action itself lasted just over four hours with the top 300 receiving a well-earned reward. OlgaT73 was the unlucky player, going out on the bubble in 301st with  when coming up against galambom’s , the 10 proving to be the higher kicker.

Our winner was crowned

Our winner was finally crowned just after 02.00 GMT / 03.00 CET, our final hand seeing danni267 going head up against psilosybin. Both players went all-in pre flop, danni267 with , while psilosybin held . The flop  brought out two pairs for danni267.

 on the turn really ramped up the tension as another diamond or ace on the river would have given the tournament to psilosybin but it was not be. danni267 finished in style,  completing his full house and gifting him the biggest slice of the prize.

So another successful and well-appreciated tournament for our Facebook fans (Mindaugas Daugenas: “Good tourney. Thanks, Party, once more”).

The next one will be on 30 June, a special heads-up format with a more-than affordable $5+$1 buy in. Details are to be announced on PartyPoker’s Facebook page shortly.

Get your friends to join up to today and let them share all the fun you’re having, too.

Facebook Fan Cup top 10 payouts

  1. danni267 $93.75
  2. psilosybin $52.75
  3. gregz57 $33
  4. juanysjuan $26
  5. slaslam $21.25
  6. kelly1887 $16.25
  7. marszoa $12.5
  8. first_ajab $8.75
  9. PionR $6.4
  10. Brunobazio $3.85

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