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WPT Venice is 2 weeks away! You can still qualify online and join Tony G, Kara Scott and Mike Sexton in the city of water.

We spoke to one of PartyPoker’s online qualifiers Andrei6868:

Tell me how the final WPT Satellite went. What were the key moments?

The final satellite was fine until 10 players remained in the tourney. I had 45k chips and played my [Ax][Kx] with [Ax][Jx] dealt on the flop against [Ax][Jx] of my opponent. After losing that hand I was a shortstack with 7k chips.

I fought back and the key moment was with 6 players remaining in the tourney and only 5 would qualify to WPT Venice, and the shortstack went all in against me. I had [Ax][Tx] and I paid. My competitor had , the flop revealed 3 diamonds, and I was the shortstack again.

A few hands later I got [Kx][Kx], I doubled my chips and ended up winning the WPT package.

Tell me about your PartyPoker story.

I was referred by a friend a year and a half ago and started playing at I am used to playing on PartyPoker now and have no need to try to play on other sites. You could consider that I would be your customer until the end of my life.

What do you think about WPT?

I have occasionally watched WPT on TV. My single previous offline event was Aussie Millions, and I have qualified thanks to your site. My one-and-a-half year poker experience makes me think that I would qualify to more events on your site in the future.

Any poker players you would love to meet and play against at WPT Venice?

Gus Hansen is my preferred player, because he is brave.

WPT Venice qualifiers are now running on Start with our daily freerolls and you could end up at the WPT Venice main event for free!


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