Matt Giannetti Wins WPT Malta
What is it with November Niners and the run good period between the end of the World Series of Poker (WSOP) and the final table itself. Last year nearly all of the November Nine had phenomenal run ups and so it continues with Matt Gianetti’s wonderful performance here at the Portomaso casino.
Giannetti played some superb poker throughout the competition but had to rely on the luck of the poker Gods when his pocket sevens came up against the pocket kings of Cecilia Pescaglini while three-handed. The seven popped up on the turn and the rest is now ancient history.
WPT Malta Live Stream:
[stream provider=video flv=x:/ embed=true share=true width=580 height=350 dock=true controlbar=over bandwidth=high title=WPT Malta Live Stream autostart=false /]Congratulations to Matt Giannetti our WPT Malta Champion, here he is talking to Matt Savage.
The full recap of the final day can be read here.
Heads Up Hands #132- Cecilia Pescaglini Has Been Eliminated in 2nd Place (€116,700)
In a standard raise pot we saw a flop of
. Cecilia Pescaglini bet 550,000 and Matt Giannetti moved all-in and the young Italian was faced with another huge decision, in fact the biggest decision of the whole tournament. She rose to her feet like she had done on so many occasions this evening. She looked to the sky for some inspiration and then made the call. It was going to be a heart-stopping race.
It only took one turn of the card to propel Giannetti into the lead. Only a nine was going to save Pescaglini now.
We had our new champion and it was November Niner Matt Giannetti. Giannetti remained motionless while Pescaglini was simply unconsolable and was in tears.
Heads Up Hands #131- Cecilia Pescaglini
Ceclia Pescaglini wins the blinds and antes
Heads Up Hands #130 Matt Giannetti With Aces
Matt Giannetti raises to 200,000 and Cecilia Pescaglini calls. The flop is
and Pescaglini checks to Giannetti who bets 250,000. Back to our Italian and she check-raises to 600,000 and Giannetti makes the call. The
turn is checked through and we have the
on the river. Once again Pescaglini checks but this time Giannetti bets 750,000 and Pescaglini calls. Giannetti turns over pocket aces and Pescaglini mucks her hand.
Giannetti now has the chip lead.
Heads Up Hands #128-129 – Various
Hand 128 – Matt Giannetti wins a little pot.
Hand 129 – Cecilia Pescaglini wins the blinds and antes
Heads Up Hands #123-126 – Cecilia Pescaglini Wins the First Five Hands
Hand 123, 126 & 127 – Pescaglini wins the pot.
Hand 124-125 – Pescaglini wins the blinds and antes
Hand #1221 – Filippo Bianchini Has Been Eliminated in 3rd Place (€76,820)
Filippo Bianchini moves all-in for his last 300,000 and gets called by both players.
Giannetti bets 375,000 and Pescaglini calls.
Giannetti turns over
which is ahead of the
of Pescaglini. Poor old Bianchini turns over
and he has been eliminated.
Hand #121 – Filippo Bianchini Doubles Up
Both Filippo Bianchini and Matt Giannetti played their hands blind in the blinds!
Giannetti goes into the lead and Bianchini could be out.
He puts his jacket on.
Ace on the river and Bianchini doubles up to 300,000
Hand #120 – Cecilia Pescaglini Crushes Filippo Bianchini
Cecilia Pescaglini raised to 400,000 in the small blind and Filippo Bianchini moved all-in from the big blind. Pescaglino had another major decision on her hands and she really took her time. In the end she called and she was ahead going to the board.
Both players rose to their feet and the dealer produced the flop and the first card we could see was a deuce and Pescaglino went crazy.
“Yes, yes, yes!” Screamed Pescaglino as she high-fived her rail.
Bianchini was left with just under 100,000
Hand #119 – Matt Giannetti
Matt Giannetti moves all-in and both players fold.
Hands #118 – Matt Giannetti Pulls One Out Of The Bag
Cecilia Pescaglini raised to 275,000, Matt Giannetti moved all-in for 1,200,000 and Pescaglini snap-called. When the cards were turned over Giannetti remained unmoved but Pescaglini was dancing around the set.
Giannetti has hit his set and he has not moved from his seat!
Giannetti doubles up and now has ~2,500,000
Hands #115-117 – Various
Hand 115 – Matt Giannetti wins the blinds and antes
Hand 116 – Filippo Bianchini wins the blinds and antes
Hand 117 – Fillipo Bianchini wins a small pot against Cecilia Pescaglini
Hands #113-114 – Various
Hand 113 – Matt Giannetti moved all-in and everyone folded.
Hand 114 Matt Giannetti moved all-in holding
and Cecilia Pescaglini called holding
. Then just when you thought the chip leader would take us to heads-up, this happens.
Split Pot!
Hands #110-112 – Various
Hand 110-12 – Unknown Action
Hand 111 – Filippo Bianchini moves all-in against Matt Giannetti and he folds showing seven-deuce.
Hand 113 – Cecilia Pescaglini wins the blinds and antes
Hand #107-109 – Various
Hand 107-08 – Matt Giannetti moves all-in and no-one calls.
Hand 109 – Cecilia Pescaglini wins the blinds and antes
Hand #106 – Split Pot
Matt Giannetti moves all-in and gets called by Filippo Bianchini
Hand #105 – Cecilia Pescaglini Doubles Up Through Matt Giannetti
Matt Giannetti moves all-in from the small blind and Cecilia Pescaglini takes a very long time to make her decision before eventually calling and it was a great call.
Pescaglini ~ 3,380,000
Giannetti ~ 820,000
Chip Counts
Seat 1: Cecilia Pescaglini – 1,755,000
Seat 2: Filippo Bianchini – 2,730,000
Hands #102-104 – Various
Hand 102 – Unknown action.
Hand 103 – Cecilia Pescaglini wins the blinds and antes
Hand 104 – Cecilia Pescaglini moves all-in and everyone folds.
Hand #101 – Filippo Bianchini
Matt Giannetti raises to 200,000 on the button, Cecilia Pescaglini three-bet to 480,000 and Filippo Bianchini moved all-in.
“I was going to do that,” said Giannetti before folding.
Pescaglini shows before folding.
Hand #97-100: Various
Hands 97 – Matt Giannetti wins a small pot against Cecilia Pescaglini. All three streets are checked down on a
board and Giannetti wins with
Hand 98 – Cecilia Pescaglini once again forces Giannetti to fold with a pre flop three-bet.
Hands 99-100 – Unknown action.
Hand #94-96: Cecilia Pescaglini
Hand 94 – A Pescaglini three-bet forces Bianchini to fold.
Hand 95 – Pescaglini wins a small pot on the flop.
Hand 96 – Pescaglini wins the blinds and antes.
Hand #94-97: Various
Hands 94 & 95 – unknown action
Hand 96 – Filippo Bianchini walk
Hand 97 – Matt Giannetti walk
Hand #93: Filippo Bianchini Doubles Up
Cecilia Pescaglini raises to 180,000 and Fillipo Bianchini moves all-in and after a long pause Pescaglini calls.
Pescaglini ~ 2,300,000
Bianchini ~ 1,900,000
Giannetti ~ 3,000,000
Hand #91-92: Cecillia Pescaglini
Hand 91 – Cecilia Pescaglini moves all-in over a Filippo Bianchini raise and he folds.
Hand 92 – Cecilia Pescaglini three-bets over a Matt Giannetti raise and he folds.
Hand #86-90: Various
Hands 86-88 unknown.
Hand 89 – Cecilia Pescaglini wins the blinds and antes.
Hand 90
Matt Giannetti raises in the small blind and Cecilia Pescaglina calls. The flop is
and Giannetti bets 100,000 and Pescaglina calls. The turn
and river
are both checked through and Pescaglini wins the pot with
while Giannetti mucked
Hand #85: Matt Giannetti
Matt Giannetti raises to 175,000 and Cecilla Pescaglini calls in the small blind. The flop is
and both players check and they do the same with the
turn. The river is the
and Giannetti bets 375,000 and Pescaglini calls and Giannetti is good.
Hand #84: Cecilia Pescaglini
Matt Giannetti raises to 210,00 in the small blind and Cecilia Pesaglini calls. The flop is
and Giannetti bets 230,000 but Pescaglini raises to 610,000 and Giannetti folds.
Hand #82-83: Cecillia Pescaglini
Hand 82 – Cecilia Pescaglini wins a small pot from Filippo Bianchini
Hand 83 – Cecilia Pescaglini steals the blinds and antes
Hand #77-81: Various
Hand 77 – Cecilia Pescaglini raises on the button and Matt Giannetti moves all-in in the big blind and takes down the pot.
Hand 78 – Cecilia Pescaglini gets a walk
Hand 79 – Cecilia Pescaglini raises to 160,000 in the small blind and Filippo Bianchino calls in the big. The flop is
and a 200,000 c-bet wins the pot for Pescaglini
Hand 80 – 81 – Unknown action
Hand #74-76: Various
Hand 74 – Unknown action
Hand 75 – Filippo Bianchini wins the blinds and antes
Hand 76 – Cecilia Pescaglini three-bets another Matt Giannetti button raise and he folds again.
Hand #73: Cecilia Pescaglini
Matt Giannetti raises to 140,000 on the button and Cecilia Pescaglini slams the door in his face with a 330,000 three-bet.
Hand #72: Matt Giannetti
On a board of
Matt Giannetti bets 100,000 and Cecilia Pescaglini calls. The river is the
and Giannetti bets 250,000 and Pescaglini calls.
Pescaglini mucks a jack face up.
Hand #70-71: Matt Giannetti
Matt Giannetti raises to 140,000 on the button, Cecilia Pescaglini calls and Filippo Bianchini three-bets to 400,000. Pescaglini folds and Giannetti moves all-in and after spending an eternity thinking Bianchini folds.
Hand 71 – Unknown action
Hands #66-69: Various
Hand 66 – Bianchini picks up the blinds and antes.
Hand 67 – Giannetti does the same.
Hand 68 – It’s Pescaglini’s turn.
Hand 69 – Pescaglini wins a small pot from Bianchini.
Hand #64: Filippo Bianchini
Party Poker Online Qualifier Filippo Bianchini just took his turn to win a three-bet pot after forcing both opponents off their hands pre flop.
Hand #63: Matt Giannetti
Matt Giannetti has just won a three-bet pot after forcing Filippo Bianchini to fold.
Hand #61-62: Matt Giannetti
Hand 61 – No Action
Hand 62 – Cecilia Pescaglini raises to 140,000 on the button and Matt Giannetti three-bets to 340,000 in the big blind. Pescaglini does not fold to three-bets and she didn’t disappoint. The flop was
and both players check. The turn was the
and Giannetti bet 410,000 and it was enough to win the pot.
Hand #60: Matt Giannetti
Matt Giannetti raises to 130,000 and Cecilia Pescaglini calls in the big blind. There is no action on any street along a board of
and Giannetti flips over a sneaky pair of pocket Kings to win the pot.
Chip Counts
Seat 1: Cecilia Pescaglini – 2,465,00
Seat 2: Filippo Bianchini – 2,780,000
Seat 3: Matt Giannetti – 2,440,000
Hand #59: Filippo Bianchini
We join the action on a board of
. Filippo Bianchini checks in the small blind and Cecilia Pescaglini bets 175,000 on the button. Action back to Bianchini who check-raises to 270,000 and Pescaglini folds.
Hand #57-58: Cecilia Pescaglini and Filippo Bianchini
We join the action on a board of
and Giannetti checks from the small blind and Cecilia Pescaglini bets 140,000. Giannetti calls and we see the final card which is a
. Once again Giannetti check-calls and the bet is for 380,000 and he will never see it again as Pescaglini wins the hand with
Hand 58 is a walk for Bianchini
Hand #56: Filippo Bianchini
Filippo Bianchini and Matt Giannetti share a flop together from the blinds. It is
and Bianchini check-raise jams over a 310,000 Giannetti bet and the November Niner releases his hand.
Hand #55: Matt Giannetti
Matt Giannetti raises from the big blind and Cecilia Pescaglini defended the big blind. The flop was
and Pescaglini check-calls a 112,000 bet. On the turn
Pescaglini check-calls a 230,000 bet. The river was the
and both players check and Giannetti wins the hand with
, Pescaglini mucked
Hand #54: Filippo Bianchini
Filippo Bianchini wins a pot from Cecilia Pescaglini after a pre flop raise and an uncontested c-bet.
Hands # 52-53: Various
Hand 52 – Unknown action
Hand 53 – Cecilia Pescaglini wins the blinds and antes.
Hands #51: Matt Giannetti
Matt Giannetti brings out a three bet of 280,000 and wins the 110,000 button raise from Filippo Bianchini.
Hands #50: Cecilia Pescaglini
On a board of
Pescaglini puts in a bet of 310,000 and after some time in the tank Matt Giannetti calls and he is NOT good.
Giannetti mucks a ten.
Hands #48-49 Various
We see Matt Giannetti haul in a little pot in hand 48 and then Cecilia Pescaglini limps in the small blind and Filippo Bianchini checks. The flop is
and Pescaglini check-calls a 50,000 Bianchini bet. The turn of
gets checked through then we see the
on the river and a 180,000 bet wins the pot for Pescaglini.
Hands #45-47: Various
Nothing of significance in hands 45 & 46 and then Filippo Bianchini bets 120,000 in the small blind and Matt Giannetti defends the big blind. The flop of
is not to Giannetti’s liking and a c-bet does the trick for Bianchini.
Hand #44: Matt Giannetti
Cecilia Pescaglini raises on the button and Matt Giannetti obliges in the big blind. The flop is
and Giannetti check-calls a 140,000 bet. The turn of
is checked through and so is the river
. Giannetti wins the hand holding
Hand #43: Filippo Bianchini
Matt Giannetti raises to 120 on the button, Cecilia Pescaglini calls and Filippo Bianchini three-bets to 320,000 and it does the job.
Hand #42: Cecilia Pescaglini
The active Italian gets a walk
Hand #41: Split Pot
We didn’t see the action but we saw the dealer splitting the chips between Matt Giannetti and Cecilia Pescaglini
Hand #40: Cecilia Pescaglini
The board was showing
and Pescaglini check-raises to 450,000 after a 185,000 Filippo Bianchini bet and she wins the hand.
Hands #38 & 39: Matt Giannetti
The details of hand 38 are unknown but Giannetti had a walk in hand 39.
Hand #37: Filippo Bianchini
Filippo Bianchini raises on the button and Matt Giannetti defends the big blind. The flop is
and Giannetti check-calls a 115,000 Bianchini bet. The turn of
is checked through and the river
receives some attention. Giannetti checks to Bianchini and he bets 270,000 and a confused looking Giannetti makes the call. Bianchini is good as he shows
Hand #36: Matt Giannetti
Filippo Bianchini limps in the small blind and Matt Giannetti raises it to around 150,000 and the Italian calls. The flop is
and a 165,000 c-bet does the trick.
Hand #35: Cecilia Pescaglini
Matt Giannetti raises on the button and Cecilia Pescaglini defends the small blind. The flop is
and Pescaglini check-calls a 135,000 c-bet. The turn is the
and both players check to the river. The river was the
and both players check.
Pescaglini wins the hand with
Hand #34: Matt Giannetti
Matt Giannetti raises and takes down the blinds and antes.
Hand #33: Matt Giannetti
We join the action on the river:
and Filippo Bianchini bets 175,000, Matt Giannetti raises to 475,000 and Bianchini calls. Giannetti flips over
for the nuts and Bianchini mucks his hand.
Hand #32: Matt Giannetti
We join the action on the turn:
and Cecilia Pescaglini bets 145,000 and Giannetti calls. The river is the
and Pescaglini bets 330,000 and Giannetti makes a great call.
Hand #31: Cecilia Pescaglini
Filippo Bianchini raises to 90,000 and Cecilia Pescaglini defends the big blind. The flop is
and both players check. The turn is the
and Pescaglini bets 85,000 and Bianchini calls. The river is the
and both players check and Pescaglini wins the pot holding
Hand #30: Matt Giannetti
There are a couple of walks before Matt Giannetti raises to 95,000 from the button and Filippo Bianchini defends his big blind. The flop is
and Giannetti bets 125,000 and after tanking for at least 4-minutes Bianchini folds.
Hand #29: Filippo Bianchini
Matt Giannetti raises to 95,000 on the button and Cecilia Pescaglini calls in the small blind. Action on Filippo Bianchini and he three-bets to 295,000 in the big blind. Pescaglini folds but Giannetti four-bets to 610,000 and Bianchini moves all-in. Giannetti asks for a count and it will be 1.3 million total.
“That is probably the stupidest thing I have ever done,” says Giannetti before folding.
Hand #28: Cecilia Pescaglini
Cecilia Pescaglini gets a walk.
Hand #27: Cecilia Pescaglini
Cecilia Pescaglini raises to 95,000 in the small blind and Filippo Bianchini calls in the big blind. The flop is
and Pescaglini’s 100,000 c-bet is called by Bianchini. The turn and river are both checked through (
and Pescaglini wins with a pair of sevens.
Hand #26: Matt Giannetti
Cecilia Pescaglini raises to 100,000 on the button and Matt Giannetti shares a flop with her. Nobody bets on a
board and Giannetti wins with
Hand #25: Matt Giannetti
Matt Giannetti raises to 95,000 and Cecilia Pescaglini calls in the blinds. The flop is
and a Giannetti c-bet takes it down.
Updated Chip Counts
Seat 1: Cecilia Pescaglini – 2,320,000
Seat 2: Filippo Bianchini – 2,185,000
Seat 3: Matt Giannetti – 2,680,000
Hand #24: Huge Double Up For Filippo Bianchini
Cecilia Pescaglini raises to 95,000 on the button and Filippo Bianchini three-bets to 205,000 from the small blind and Pescaglini calls. The flop is
and Bianchini bets 230,000 and Pescaglini makes the call. The turn is the
and Bianchini moves all-in for 635,000. Pescaglini goes deep into thought and she calls and everyone is amazed at the outcome.
I don’t speak Italian but I believe even Bianchini was telling his compatriot to slow down!
Bianchini ~ 2,185,000
Pescaglini ~ 2,320,000
Hand #23: Cecilia Pescaglini
Cecilia Pescaglini raises to 100,000 from the small blind wins the blinds and antes.
Hand #22: Filippo Bianchini
Filippo Bianchini raises to 90,000 on the button and buys the blinds and antes.
Hand #21: Filippo Bianchini
Filippo Bianchini raises in the small blind and Matt Giannetti calls in the big blind. The flop is
and it checks through. The turn is the
and Bianchini bets and Giannetti folds.
Hand #20: Matt Giannetti
On a board of
and a huge pot in the middle Matt Giannetti bets 430,000 and Cecilia Pescaglini makes the call. Giannetti shows her
for a set and he hauls in a big pot. We will get the chip counts ASAP.
Hand #19: Simon Trumper Has Been Eliminated in 4th Place (€53,430)
Simon Trumper open shoves for 480,000 and after some time in the tank Cecilia Pescaglini called and the blinds moved out of the way.
“What have you got?” Asked Trumper.
“Nahda, Nahda,” says Pescaglini
“So what did you call for?” Trumper asks.
“Flip. Flip,” says Pescaglini.
Pescaglini ~ 4,400,000
Hand #18: Filippo Bianchini Doubles Up
Matt Giannetti raises to 70,000 in the cut-off and Cecilia Pescaglini calls in the small blind before Filippo Bianchini moves all-in from the big blind. Giannetti folds but Pescaglini calls.
Hand #17: Cecilia Pescaglini
Walk for the blonde bombshell
Hand #16: Matt Giannetti
Cecilia Pescaglini raises to 75,000 on the button and Matt Giannetti calls in the small blind. The flop is
and Giannetti check-calls a 120,000 Pescaglini bet. The turn of
is checked through as is the
river and Giannetti wins the hand holding
Hand #15: Cecilia Pescaglini
Simon Trumper raises to 80,000 on the button and Cecilia Pescaglini moves all-in from the small blind and he lays down his hand.
Hand #14: Filippo Bianchini
Filippo Bianchini moves all in and takes the blinds and antes
Hand #13: Tristan Clemencon Has Been Eliminated in 5th Place (€39,810)
Simon Trumper raises to 65,000 on the button and Tristan Clemencon cold calls in the small blind. The action is on Cecilia Pescaglini and she squeezes out a three bet of 230,000. Trumper folds but after a brief pause Clemencon moves all-in and everyone smells a trap.
Pescaglini exhales a huge breath of air before getting to her feet.
“I call,” she says before tabling
Clemencon was trapping and he turns over
The flop was
The turn was .
Pescaglini had her eyes closed and was praying and Clemencon was pacing around the table.
River: Its an Ace! an Ace! Pescaglini has done it again and not only takes a huge chip lead but also eliminates the starting day chip leader in the process.
Hand #12: Tristan Clemencon
Tristan Clemencon gets a walk
Hand #11: Cecilia Pescaglini
Cecilia Pescaglini raises to 85,000 and takes down the blinds and antes
Hand #10: Filippo Bianchini
Filippo Bianchini moves all-in from the small blind and Matt Giannetti folds in the big blind.
Hand #9: Cecilia Pescaglini
Simon Trumper raises to 80,000 on the button and Cecilia Pescaglini calls in the big blind. The flop is
and both players check. The turn is the
and Pescaglini bets 175,000 and Trumper folds.
Hand #8: Filippo Bianchini
Cecilia Pescaglini raises to 53,000 from under the gun and Filippo Bianchini moves all-in directly to her left but everyone folds.
Hand #7: Matt Giannetti
Filippo Bianchini raises to 58,000 on the button and Matt Giannetti three-bets to 151,000 in the small blind and Bianchini runs to the hills.
Hand #6: Tristan Clemencon
Tristan Clemencon picks up the blinds and antes with a 53,000 bet from under the gun.
Hand #5: Filippo Bianchini
The action folds around to Cecilia Pescaglini in the small blind and she raises to 60,000 and Filippo Bianchini calls. The flop is
and Pescaglini bets 80,000 but folds when Bianchini moves all-in.
Hand #4: Cecilia Pescaglini
Matt Giannetti raises to 55,000 in the cut-off, Tristan Clemencon calls in the small blind but Cecilia Pescaglini three-bets to 194,00 in the big blind to take it down.
Hand #3: Tristan Clemencon
The action folds to Simon Trumper in the small blind and he raises to 72,000 and Tristan Clemencon three-bets to 145,000 in the big blind and takes down the pot.
Hand #2: Fabien Sartoris Has Been Eliminated in 6th Place (€30,730)
Fabian Sartoris moves all in on the button and Simon Trumper calls in the big blind.
Hand #1: Simon Trumper
Simon Trumper raises to 80,000 under the gun and he takes the blinds and antes.
The WPT Malta Final Table
We have finally reached the final six players at WPT Malta. Here is the full updated chip counts:
Seat 1 – Ceclia Pescaglini – 2,245,000
Seat 2 – Filippo Bianchini – 347,000
Seat 3 – Fabien Sartoris – 264,000
Seat 4 – Matt Giannetti – 1,930,000
Seat 5 – Simon Trumper – 560,000
Seat 6 – Tristan Clemencon – 1,840, 000
Christofer Williamson Has Been Eliminated in 7th Place (€23,050)
Chris Williamson moves all-in for his last 221,000 and after a brief pause Cecilia Pescaglini moves all-in for 1.9 million and we are heads up.
“You have ace-king,” says Pescaglini.
The flop and the turn is good for Williamson
and then BANG
and Williamson is out.
Pescaglini Is Frying Fabien Sartoris’ Skull
Fabien Sartoris raises to 50,000 under the gun and Cecilia Pescaglini calls in the big blind. The flop is
and Pescaglini check-calls a 50,000 Sartoris bet. The turns the
and this time Pescaglini turns aggressor and bets 90,000 and Sartoris calls. The river is the
completing the flush and Pescaglini moves all-in. Sartoris folds and Pescaglini shows
for the bluff and Sartoris looks like he is going to explode.
Pescaglini ~ 2,250,000
Sartoris ~ 295,000
Fabien Sartoris Double Up
Fabien Sartoris moves all-in on the button for 223,000 and after a count Matt Giannetti makes the call from the small blind and Simon Trumper folds in the big blind.
Sartoris ~ 485,000
Giannetti – 1,450,000
Pescaglini Up To 2 Million
Cecilia Pescaglini raises to 42,000 and Fabien Sartoris three-bets from the big blind making it 110,000 to play. The flop is
and both players check. The turn is the
and Sartoris bets 80,000 and Pescaglini snap-calls. The river is the
and Sartoris bets 140,000 and again Pescaglini calls and Sartoris is furious when he sees her hand.
Pescaglini ~ 2,000,000
Sartoris ~ 200,000
Mats Karlson Has Been Eliminated in 8th Place (€16,760)
Mats Karlson raises to 45,000 on the button and Tristan Clemencon three-bets to 110,000 in the big blind. Karlson does what Karlson does best and moves all-in and Clemencon calls.
Clemencon ~ 2,000,000
Pescaglini On the Way Back
On a board of
Cecilia Pescaglini bets 60,000 from the small blind and Chris Williamson calls on the button. The turn is
and Pescaglini bets 65,000 and once again Williamson calls. The final card is the
and both player checks and Pescaglini picks up the pot with
Tristan Clemencon raises to 45,000 in middle position and as usual Ceclia Pescaglini calls in position. Matt Giannetti is in the big blind and he makes the call. The flop is
and a 153,000 Pescaglini bet wins the pot.
Pescaglini ~ 1,550,000
Clemencon ~ 1,350,000
Poker Tips From the Royal Flush Girls
Here are poker tips from the Royal Flush girls and some male eye candy in the form of Giovanni Rizzo.
I Thought That Was The End Of My Tournament
Tristan Clemencon raises to 45,000 under the gun and Filippo Bianchini and Simon Trumper make the call. The flop is
and Trumper checks from the big blind and Clemencon bets 86,000. Bianchini folds and Trumper moves all-in for 385,000 total and Clemencon calls.
Trumper closes his eyes and faces Clemencon
Clemencon motions to Trumper that he has won.
“I thought that was the end of my tournament,” Said Trumper
Trumper ~ 800,000
Clemencon ~ 1,350,000
Trumper v Prescaglini
Simon Trumper raises to 38,000 from under the gun and Cecilia Prescaglini calls in the hijack seat. Filippo Bianchini makes a three-bet to 125,000 in the cut-off. Both players call and we have a 400,000 pot. The flop is
and all players check. The turn is the
and it checks through to Prescaglini who bets 135,000 and Trumper is the only player to call. The river is the
and both players check.
” I have put you on
” says Trumper as he turns over
Prescaglini turns over
and runs to celebrate with her railbirds.
Prescaglini ~ 1.2 million
Trumper ~ 385,000
Trumper Gets a Bluff Through
Simon Trumper raises to 36,00 under the gun and a very angry Cecilia Prescaglini slams the call down in front of her. Fabien Sartoris has definitely come to play today and he calls on the button. Threeway to a flop and it is
and Trumper leads for 79,000. Prescaglini storms off set and the dealer grabs her cards into the muck and Sartoris makes the call. The turn is the
and both players check. The river is the
and and Trumper counts out a bet of 170,000. Sartoris thinks for a long while before eventually folding. Trumper slams
down on the table.
“That is how you win tournaments…write that one down…Mr Trumper is back in business…it takes balls to make moves like that,” says Trumper.
“I knew you were bluffing,” Says Giannetti.
Trumper ~ 800,000
Sartoris ~ 610,000
Prescaglini Close to Melt Down
While we were updating the blog Cecilia Prescaglini found herself locked in another battle with Matt Giannetti. On a board of
and a 250,000 pot Giannetti won the hand with
and Prescaglini threw her cards in anger towards the dealer.
Prescaglini ~ 600,000
Giannetti ~ 1,800,00
Active Sartoris
Fabien Sartoris has been the most active player on the table thus far and after Cecilia Prescaglini raises to 42,000 from the hijack he three-bets to 100,000 on the button. Prescaglini likes to call in these spots and she does just that. The flop is
and a 70,000 Sartoris bet wins the hand.
Sartoris ~ 900,000
Prescaglini ~ 800,000
Prescaglini Arrives Lates and Loses Her First Hand
Tristan Clemencon raises to 35,000 and there are three callers including Cecilia Prescaglini in the cut-off. The flop is
and the play checks around to Prescaglini who bets 52,000 and only Matt Giannetti calls in the big blind. The turn is the
and both players check. The final card is the
which is an interesting card because it completes the flush. Giannetti bets out 115,000 and you can tell by the look on Prescaglini’s face that she probably has an ace. She agonises for a bit and then makes the call and Giannettio shows
and the Italian mucks her hand.
Giannetti ~ 1,600,000
Prescaglini ~ 900,000
Williamson Forced to Fold
Chris Williamson raises to 33,000 in the cut-off and Fabien Sartoris defends his big blind. The flop was
and both players check. The turn is the
and Sartoris wins the pot with a 38,000 bet. Williamson folds
face up.
Mats Karlson Moves All-In
Fabien Sartoris raises to 35,000 and Mats Karlson moves all-in for 452,000 but Sartoris folds.
Welcome to the Final Table at WPT Malta
In ten-minutes time the final eight players will recommence battle. Their first aim will be to reach the final table of six and from there a first prize of €200,00. The chip leader is Tristan Clemencon with 2,251,000 chips and he is no stranger to the final stages of a major tournament but he has a stellar field hot on his heels including November Niner Matt Giannetti, Simon Trumper, WPT Bratislava final tablist Chris Williamson and the only woman left in the competition Cecilia Prescaglini.
Seat 1: Cecilia Prescaglini: 1.218,000
Seat 2: Filippo Bianchini: 188,000
Seat 3: Fabien Sartoris: 654,000
Seat 4: Matt Giannetti: 1,309,000
Seat 5: Mats Karlson: 452,000
Seat 6: Simon Trumper: 631,000
Seat 7: Tristan Clemencon: 2.215,000
Seat 8: Christofer Williamsson: 510,000
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