Last week, while interacting with our @partypoker Twitter followers, we asked if anyone would like to tell their fellow partypoker players a little about themselves as part of our Meet the partypoker People campaign.
We had a good response with several people wanting to chat with us while others nominated those they lock horns with at the partypoker tables. We decided to learn a bit more about Lewis Pilkington, one of our lucky players jetting off to Las Vegas shortly in an attempt to become the King of Vegas at the WPT500.
A 30-year old civil servant, Lewis has been playing poker regularly for the best part of 12 years. During that time, Lewis has enjoyed a number of decent results, all of which pale in comparison to his 313th place finish in the 2007 World Series of Poker Main Event, an in-the-money finish that netted him a cool $39,445. It also happened to be the only live tournament he has cashed in on to date.
The man from Sheffield only recently joined partypoker and is already immersing himself in satellites to live events. He plans on taking full advantage of our partnership with Dusk Till Dawn (DTD) and hopes to qualify for their value-packed events for as little as possible.
Lewis, before making the relatively short trip from Sheffield to Nottingham, is flying across the Atlantic Ocean and touching down in Las Vegas, Nevada thanks to winning a Kings Of Vegas package.
“I logged on to partypoker one Sunday evening and saw that I had a ticket for the Kings Of Vegas freeroll that had begun half an hour earlier,” said Lewis.
“I joined the game and fired up a few other tables. Six hours later following some very welcome luck in all-in showdowns and I’m on the final table as the chip leader with a serious shot at a Vegas package. I managed to stay near the top end of the leader board as others got knocked out and eventually won a package.”
This will be Lewis’ seventh time in “Sin City” and he plans on enjoying the WPT500 Aria tournament and the entire experience Las Vegas offers.
“There’s been no celebrating yet, I’m saving that for Vegas! I’m taking my best mate who I’ve known for as long as I can remember. We both turned 30 recently so it’s almost like a late 30th celebration and I can’t think of a better place for it! Really looking forward to the tournament and the trip on a whole.”
I had to ask, after discovering that Lewis is an avid Sheffield United fan (one of my team’s local rivals), if he would rather have his beloved club back in the Premier League or win the $2 million guaranteed WPT500 event.
“Sheffield United in the Premier League or me win the WPT500 at Aria? Me winning the tournament, no doubt!” said Lewis before adding like a true Yorkshireman, “I like the lower leagues anyway… guts, honesty and cheaper tickets!”
Lewis says if you’re on the fence about entering some of our satellites for live events, you should jump at the chance to get involved because players of all backgrounds and skill levels are winning seats to major, live events.
“For anyone considering trying to qualify for live tournaments on the cheap, I’d thoroughly recommend partypoker. There are regular satellites to suit all buy-in levels and in the one month that I’ve been using the site I’ve won a $6k Vegas package for free and a WPTNUK London seat for $2. And if I can do it, anyone can!”
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