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The poker world lost a true legend when the legendary Mike Sexton passed away on September 6, 2020.

Mike was instrumental in shaping poker into the game it is today, especially the online poker scene which owes a massive debt of gratitude to the great man.

Everyone who had the pleasure of meeting Mike, either in person or interacting on social media, feels like they lost a true friend. Mike always made the time to chat with fans of his, poker was in his DNA.

Family and friends were everything to Mike. He loved his son, Ty, dearly and was extremely proud of the young man he is becoming, often showing photos of them together and regaling stories about him whenever the opportunity arose.

Many of you have asked if it is possible to send a message to Mike’s family. You can pay tribute to Mike via a special webpage we’ve created.

It’s now possible to pay tribute to the great man that was Mike Sexton. Enter your name and write a message in the boxes provided and we’ll pass these onto Mike’s family.

Feel free to share messages of condolence or any stories you have involving Mike, anything to remember Mike by, and his family will get to read them all, which will help them get through this terrible time in their lives. Head to our dedicated Mike Sexton tribute page and take a few minutes to remember Mike.

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