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PartyPoker blog reader Philip asked Mike Sexton:

I have been playing poker now for 6 years online, in local casino and with friends frequently. My friends say I am a very good player but playing live in the casino I have a bit more to learn. I played an exclusive tournament about 2 years ago which I was invited to and came 5th with a field of pros. I would love to play as a pro but do not have the bankroll. How would you suggest would be the best way to achieve sponsorship?

Mike Sexton’s response to Philip:

Dear Philip,

Many players have the same desire as you but getting sponsorship is another matter. First, to be successful, you must become a consistent winner playing poker. Work hard but don’t rush things in terms of playing outside your bankroll. As you get better (and make more money), you should gradually move up in limits.

Once you’re a proven winner, put yourself in small or medium buy-in events and then discuss sponsorsorship possibilities with someone who has a lot of respect for your game and ask them to take a piece of you (or stake you) in a number of bigger buy-in tournaments. If and when you then make some wins in big events, online sites may then pursue you for representation and sponsor you. It can be done, but it’s not easy.

I have a plaque in my office that reads, “Those who achieve success are those who take a dream and make it come true.” All the best in fulfilling your dreams.

Mike Sexton


1 Comment

  1. ive been grinding at 2-5 and 5-10 nl for almost 10 years now. but was just a recreational player and a winning one at that. ive recently decided to play full and quit my job as an electrician to do so. problem is, is all the money ive made over the years from poker was spent because I was a recreational player, that and the wife did not support my dream of playing professional. since weve divorced is when I decided it was time. but now at the delema of how to begin to build my bankroll. I started with 500.00 and played 2-5 nl and in a 6 hour session built my stack to 2200.00. now to me that’s about 400 more than a usual session for me, except for the days we all have and net 0 for the day. and I know that 2200.00 is not enough for a bankroll to play full time and continue to build my bankroll while paying bills. any suggestions on what I should do to continue to build my bankroll while at the same time have money to spend on lifes necessities. ive worked day and night and still do one improving my game. working on constantly chaninging up my table image based on my opponents, always recognizing my opponents betting patterns, when they raise, do they only raise with position, or do the squeeze play everychance they get regaurdless of the action before them. recognizing my odds, and equity/ fold or showdown equity. I have devoted all my attention and time to making this dream of mine a reality and I will be one of the greats. in short any suggestions on current professional players willing to stake players such as myself or buy a percentage of my action. I know that if I could get a 10-20 k bankroll in 6-8 months time I could at the minimum triple it. this will sound like its b.s but im averaging a 5:1 win loss ratio. now moving to a level like lets say 25-50 may take a little time for me to adjust to keep that kind of consistency because I play 5-10 with generally the same 15 t0 20 people at my home casino and can easily beat any 2-5 game. my read ability is amazing, not to over state this but Daniel Negranue is the only player ive seen who can read his oppenents better. but any advice would greatly appreciated.