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Chip Counts

This was the level where this heat kicked it up a gear or eight. We saw double ups, two eliminations and Dan Shak claim the chip lead. The blinds have just gone to 10,000 – 20,000 ante 3,000.

The players chip stacks are as below. The +/- figure in brackets is their profit/loss since the end of the last level and the big blind figure is how many they have for the current level.

Dan Shak – 910,000 (+544,000) 45.5 big blinds
Tobias Reinkemeier – 632,000 (+ 376,000) 31.6 big blinds
Talal Shakerchi – 498,000 (-108,000) 24.9 big blinds
Tony G – 360,000 (-89,000) 18 big blinds

Good level for

Dan Shak – The American won the battle of the businessmen when he doubled through Talal Shakerchi, but he had to get lucky to do so. He shoved for 22 big blinds on the button with , only for Shakerchi to wake up with . The flop gave him the lead and he only strengthened it on the turn and river.

Tony G Badly in need of points the Australian outlasted both Jason Mericer and Igor Kurganov, two of his main rivals for a play-off spot. Not only that he also saw Dan Shak take valuable chips from Talal Shakerchi, another player he’s hoping to leap frog.

Bad level for

Igor Kurganov Eliminated in sixth place Kurganov now needs a miracle to secure automatic spot in the final and a top two finish to give himself a shot at the play-offs.

Jason Mercier Out if fifth, four points kept his score ticking over, but he’s going to need a top three finish in heat four to get in the play-offs and a win to claim an automatic spot in the final

Hand of the level

Whilst this wasn’t an exit, it was a double up and Tobias Reinkemeier might just have killed off Igor Kurganov’s hopes in this Premier League.

Pre-flop Kurganov raised it up with and Reinkemeier defended with . The flop was pretty solid for Reinkemeier, he checked it to Kurganov and then called when Kurganov bet 42,000. The gave Reinkemeier a lock on the hand, he checked again, as did Kurganov. The completed the board, yet again Reinkemeier checked, “that’s sublime,” said Jesse May. After weighing up all his options Kurganov set Reinkemeier all-in for his last 170,000 and Reinkemeier instantly called.

View from the booth

“He might have just knocked his friend out of the Premier League,” Jesse May on the Tobias Reinkemeier versus Igor Kurganov hand (see above).

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