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Hello there! This is my first blog post as a partypoker sponsored pro. First of all I’m extremely happy and I really appreciate this opportunity.

Let me introduce myself in a nutshell. I’m a 28-year-old Hungarian girl who started playing poker in January 2015 and I stream poker on Twitch under the name WildHungarian.

I was thinking what I should write about for my first partypoker blog, and then something crazy happened.

Last Thursday I sat down to work, because I knew I would be busy celebrating my birthday with family and friends at the weekend. I made my coffee and my giant Japanese cherry green tea in preparation for a Sit & Go Hero session. I was ready to grind and start streaming on my channel.

Some of my old subscribers joined the chat and kept asking about the multipliers in this new format I play. I told him the rules and we kept talking. Although it was already super late, I registered for my eighth $5 Sit & Go Hero game and was was reading the comments on the Twitch chat, and when I looked up to the table I saw the prize pool and the size of of the bounty! Oh My God!

It was a 1,000x multiplier, meaning a $5,000 prize pool and the bounty was $1,250!

My first reaction was: “the pressure is way too big and I don’t know how I’m gonna play this game.” But the game started, the hands came and I had to react. Everything happened so fast. I tried to pay attention on the chat, but it was almost impossible. I got a crazy huge adrenaline rush. I recorded highlights of the game and now I laugh at myself how I talked and acted.

Click this link to watch the video

Here is on my twitch channel with live chat reactions next to it.

I highly recommend to check out my facial expression when I see the prize pool. :) Here is a screenshot of it:
Beata Jambrik

Spoiler alert! If you wanna watch it first don’t read further now.

I knew that the bounty was the first step so I concentrated on that. I was under-the-gun with queen-ten offsuit and the game was still four-handed. The bounty was low on chips so I knew it was the spot where I could take advantage, so I shoved. Fingers crossed…. aaaaaaand I won the bounty!

I was super happy already at that point, but I knew there was a lot more to go. I managed to knock out another player too. OK, so we arrived to the heads-up stage. The blinds went up until the big blind was 100 chips. It was super intense. Our stacks were very similar and I knew it would be a preflop all-in that would decide the game.

The last hand saw me shove with queen-jack suited and he called with pocket tens. The flop came down 5-K-J but I still had to see the turn and the river. Fortunately the turn was a deuce and the river another king, I had won!. So as I usually say on my stream: WE HAD A WICTORY!

Wow, that feeling! It’s so hard to describe, it was the middle of the night and I was shouting. I didn’t care about the neighbours, I almost exploded from the adrenaline rush. I just had to tell my news to my friends and family and share with the world, and now with you guys!! :)

This is what it looked like:

Beata Jambrik

The funny thing is that I have only played approximately 180 Sit & Go Hero games until now so you really never know when you’ll hit a bit multiplier.

I hope I will be able to tell you guys some other crazy awesome stories in the future and I hope you liked this blog from me. Until then, I suggest you guys to play a lot of these awesome Sit & Go Hero games, because they are way too much fun and you can never know how big the prize pool is going to be!

Thank you for reading it!Good luck at the tables!

WildHungarian – Beata Jambrik

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