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We’re getting closer and closer to what looks like the best line up of the Premier League ever and if you think that’s quite a brash claim to be making, did you read that headline?

Money Makin’

Yes you read that last bit right as you were counting the zeros for the forth time… both Daniel Shak and Mad Marvin Rettenmaier have both now signed up with the buy in being a staggering $125,000.

Daniel Shak is truly a legend in the poker world with a string of cashes as long as my arms and amounting to nearly $5 Million this is one player who knows his way around the table.

And for those of you doing the math with a 125k buy in and 16 players participating that’s a total prize fund of US$2,000,000.

We we were fortunate to catch a few words with him direct from his home in Las Vegas during a unusually early 7 am call he told us – “I’ve been following the premier league since its inception 6 years ago and I’ve always been interested in playing and very pleased to finally be able to participate this year. I always like the challenge of playing against the best players in the world and this certainly qualifies!”

It’s A Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad World….

Then of course if that’s not enough we’ve now got our very own back to back World Poker Tour winner Mad Marvin Rettenmaier joining in on the quite expensive side of fun, when asked about his $125,000 poker game he told us “It’s great to be in a position to play in the Premier League this year. I’d be mad to turn down the offer! I hope I can do myself and my sponsors justice.” We hope so too Marvin we hope so too.

So Who Do You Want To See?

Who would you like to see in this year’s Premier League? Let us know in the comments below and remember to follow us on Twitter and like us on Facebook now!


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